UPDATED July, 2024
- Monthly divisor: $7,110 (effective 1/1/2022)
- Community Spouse Resource Allowance (effective 1/1/2024)
- Minimum $30,828
- Maximum $154,140
- Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance
- Minimum $2,555 (effective 7/1/2024 and remains until 7/1/2025)
- Maximum $3,853.50
- Shelter Standard $767
- Standard Utility Allowance $585 (household of 1); $643 (household of 2) (effective 1/1/2024)
- Dependent Allowance $851 (1/3 of Base)
Special Assistance
- Base SA Program (Effective 1/1/2024)
- Maximum SA Rate: $1,326
- Personal Needs Allowance: $70
- General Income Exclusion: $20
- TOTAL $1,416
- Max Countable Income: $1,415.50 (due to rounding)
- Special Care Unit Rate (a/k/a “Memory Care”) (Effective 1/1/2024)
- Maximum SA Spec Care Unit Rate $1,700
- Personal Needs Allowance $70
- General Income Exclusion $20
- TOTAL: $1,790
- Max Countable Income: $1,789.50 (due to rounding)