A Few Thoughts Many people are interested in making funeral arrangements well in advance of the need. Any paperwork completed ahead of time will help simplify things when death occurs. Taking charge … [Read more...]
Total Return Trusts, Unitrusts and Power to Adjust
Robert A. Mason, CELA Originally published in The Will and the Way, NC Bar Ass’n (3/2003) Ch-ch-ch-ch-changesTurn and face the strange ch-ch-changesDon't want to be a richer … [Read more...]
Medicare Supplement Policies
Updated October 2011 Medigap insurance supplements Medicare’s benefits, which is why it is also called Medicare supplemental insurance. Both federal and state laws regulate Medigap coverage. A policy … [Read more...]
Medicare 101
Edited October 2011 This is an extremely brief overview of the Medicare Program. One of the best resources on the web is maintained by the Medicare Rights Center and I urge you to visit that site. … [Read more...]