This from Ann:
Today is my TEN YEAR SURVIVOR ANNIVERSARY!! It is so incredible acomplia rimonabant that in 2000, Bob and I were told that my colorectal cancer came with a 50% five year survival rate. Well we beat those odds – and then some.
So thank you – for everything you did. No matter how small it may have seemed to you at the time, it was important to us.

Some very special thanks. To the good Lord above who always, always provides for our needs. To Bob and Bobby who each and every day give me love and motivation. To Mom – as a mother I have tried to put myself in your shoes during those days – impossible. To my MDs and PA – for the expertise, absolutely – but also for the compassion. Finally – to my personal chemo chauffeur – your journey on this same path was short, but for you every day now is a celebration beyond anything we can imagine – miss you so much, Daddio*.
So raise a glass!! Slainte!
* Note from Bob: Colon cancer took Ann’s Dad, Harry Haslam, Sr., in August 2008.
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