Does your power of attorney have all the muscle that it needs? A flabby, wimpy power of attorney can be dangerous because it may lull you into a false sense of security and leave you susceptible to … [Read more...]
Powers of Attorney: Give Me 3 Minutes!
A power of attorney is an overlooked and under-loved document . . . with all the potential of saving your posterior and avoiding a Class A Mess-up! Even if you DO have a power of attorney it … [Read more...]
You Don’t Have To Take This! But Banks Do.
It’s maddening! Dorothy is stuck! Her father executed a power of attorney prepared by a local elder law attorney in 2010. The POA has all the necessary bells and whistles to enable Dorothy, his only … [Read more...]
“But Can She REALLY Do This, Bob?”
Tales From The Mason Law Horror Files . . . Once Upon A Time . . . Margaret and Jim Anderson raised their three children, Princess, Bud and Kitten in the 1950’s and 1960’s in the Greystone area … [Read more...]